Legacy Standalone Player For Mac
If you cannot locate your file, try to right-click (control click) on the download link and 'save file as' to choose the location where the file gets saved to. HERE
Vista users may need to use WinZip, 7Zip or Winrar to deal with a Vista issue. HERE
The courses are named by the item number zip (ie 9875 zip or 8775 zip) Unless otherwise prompted, your browser will determine where the files are saved on your computer. https://handtegiboo.substack.com/p/basejump-140-for-macos
Unzip the file Window users: right-click on the zip folder and choose to 'extract all'.. Make sure you have a program that will 'unzip' or 'extract' zipped files Standalone Player For Cloud Cover Music PlayerMost computers come with unzip software already installed on their computer.. Wimpy FLV Player Play FLV files on your Windows PC or Mac system THIS LEGACY VERSION (ZIP) OF THE COURSE PLAYER IS OUTDATED AND NO LONGER RECOMMENDED.. Software available for mac computers This tool will download and update the correct Navman N40i driver versions automatically, protecting you against installing the wrong N40i drivers. e10c415e6f HERE
If you have an older mac or an older Slingbox, you will need this software to use or set up your Slingbox.. In most cases, files are automatically downloaded to your computers 'Download' section. HERE